Debugging Custom Scenario DLLs

Since we do not have access to the Outpost 2 source code or program debug database (PDB file), we cannot step through the Outpost 2 executable code or compare the stack trace with source code. However, we can still debug custom scenario DLLs.

In order to debug your DLL, follow the required steps from previous sections to ensure a copy of all required files (mission DLL, MAP file, tech tree file, etc) are contained in the Outpost 2 root directory. Then ensure your Visual Studio project is linked to Outpost 2.

Note: Visual Studio must have access to your scenario's PDB (Program Debug Database) file for debugging. The PDB file is rebuilt every time you recompile a scenario. Visual Studio will automatically find the PDB file in your project directories and copying the PDB to the Outpost 2 directory is not required.

Debugging Multiplayer Scenarios

Multiple instances of Outpost 2 may be opened on the same computer. From multiple open instances of Outpost 2 on the same computer, TCP/IP games may be ran without issue. This allows for testing Outpost 2 multiplayer scenarios without requiring multiple computers. Setting and stepping through breakpoints within Visual Studio will not break Outpost 2 network links.

Opening multiple Instances of Outpost 2 From Visual Studio

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